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Mark Ables
Karen Adams (Young)
Brown Adkins
Robert Armstrong
George Barnett
Linda Barrett (Pennington)
Becky Bates (Christopherson)
Vanessa Bates (Sylvan)
Beverly Bausticker (Smith)
Jon Berg
Debbie Black
Ralph Bowen
Pamela Boyle (Roark)
James Brinker
Kevin Brock
Dennis Budjenska
Larna Burnett (Robinson)
Brock Burnham
Bobby Byrd
Larry Cesander
Patty Conger (Litterer)
Randell Deakins
Donna Dickey (Cates)
Carol Dirks
Jay Eaker
Jeffrey Eby
Raymond Else
Rebecca Entsminger (Keck)
Frances Fields (Hensley)
Debra Fischer (Pylate)
David Foard
Suzanne Foster (Moseley)
Carolyn Frazier (Norton)
Bonnie Gallien (Ferrell)
Kimberly Gallien (Harris)
Dana Geldon (See)
Charles George
Weldon (Don) Gibson Jr
Chelly Green (Sturgell)
Clifford Greenbauer
Barbara Grulich (Pierson)
Deborah Guidry (Shaw)
Nancy Gurley (Williamson)
Tab Haley
Vicki Hancock
Don Hankinson
Pamela Harrison (Courtney)
Bob Hayes
Suzanne Haynes (Thorn)
Peggy Helmick (Helmick-Rich…)
Steven Hinton
Catherine Hughes (Loflin)
Louise Hunt
Bill Hurt
Debbie Jones (Warrick)
Nancy Kay (Grossman)
Pat Kelly
David Kettering
Rick Kimball
Gina Lanzillo (Embry)
James Laster
Sherry Lawrence (Mudder)
Ann Lee (Lein)
Brad Lee
Linda Lehmusvirta
Linda Lewis (Taylor)
Robin Lincoln (Dent)
Martin Linex
Desmond Lloyd
Susan Loghry (Duffey)
Calvin Love
Greg Lucius
Lonnie Lutz
Ron Marshall
Karen Mason (McGehee)
Marilyn McAtee (Hinrichs)
Vickie McCord (Taylor)
Mark McCulloch
Kathy McGough (Shipman)
Debi Medlock (Huggins)
Gary Megert
Rodney "Rod" Mitchell
Carol Mohn (Kudlaty)
Robert Montoya
Joni Moorehead (Dodson)
Jeanette Myers (Tenpenny)
Ron Neva
Kim Noland (Noland)
Robert (Bob) Oake
Cathy Osgerby (Belaire)
Susan Page
Kenneth Parmley
Joe Pearce
Debbie Pettigrew (Watson)
Kerry Pierson
Richard Kent Plemons
Debbie Ralston (Cortez)
Patricia Ralston (Talkington)
Sandy Raphel
Kirk Riddick
Bruce Roberson
Vincent Ryan
Jeff Sage
Cathy Scallorn (Bridges)
Joanna Schleyer (Jackson)
Maribeth Schlobohm
Peter Schroer
John Settle
Nelson Shaw
Douglas Sihvonen
Patrick Skinner
Barry Smith
Stephen Smith
Richard Spencer
Melody Stailey (Peckham)
Brenda Stewart (Youngblood)
Donna Taylor (Barras)
Greg Thomas
Janice Thompson (Moore)
Tracey Tisdale
Michael Trusty
Pam Trusty (Carpenter)
Ross Van Horn
Rick Van Meter
Mark Ward
Mickey Warren (Christakos)
Steve Warren
Paul Watson
Paul Wearden
Brad Williams
Melody Woodard (Pokorny)
Mark Woods
Kim Wright (Nearburg)
Marianne Wright (DiSabato)
Vicki Zachary (Smith)